This past week, April 19th-25th was National Infertility Awareness Week and has "mint" something very special to me. The purpose of this blog is to share our journey with those of you who continue to be a constant source of encouragement and support to Jared and I. 1 out of 8 couples will experience infertility, and we are 1 or those 1s.
Adoption was never "Plan B" for us. It was always a part of our "Plan A", and we knew even before we were married that adoption would be a part of our journey. There have been many days that we did not even know how to pray. Knowing that our God sees us and knows our desire for a child, we allowed Scripture to speak hope and the Spirit of God to bring peace in what seems many times like a helpless, desperate, and painful situation. If that's you in your journey... Keep praying. Keep trusting. Be still. Create an atmosphere where you are invited into the presence of God. Rest in His peace. His Spirit intercedes for you. Romans 8:26 says, "Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness for we we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words."
Obviously being the "1 out of 8" was not part of "our plan" - especially not "Positive Perky Planning Patty's" plan (for those of you who know me well). "Our Plan" was simple: "Have 2. Adopt 2." But now, after over 5 years of not preventing pregnancy, we have decided that maybe...just maybe...God's plan for our family is simply: "Adopt 2. Have 2." And... if not, our God is always good. Our God is always right. Our God is always faithful. Our God is able.
Adoption was never "Plan B" for us. It was always a part of our "Plan A", and we knew even before we were married that adoption would be a part of our journey. There have been many days that we did not even know how to pray. Knowing that our God sees us and knows our desire for a child, we allowed Scripture to speak hope and the Spirit of God to bring peace in what seems many times like a helpless, desperate, and painful situation. If that's you in your journey... Keep praying. Keep trusting. Be still. Create an atmosphere where you are invited into the presence of God. Rest in His peace. His Spirit intercedes for you. Romans 8:26 says, "Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness for we we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words."
So many people assume that we are unable to biologically have children, because we are adopting. But... that is not the case. According to tests that have been done, there is no "reason" that we cannot biologically have children. So here is just a thought: Is it possible that God just may be preventing pregnancy in order to bring a little one (or ones) all the way from Haiti to be a part of our family? What a life we could live if we TRULY believed that God is working ALL things for our good and His glory. He just asks us to simply acknowledge Him and obey His Word.
Sovereign Over Us
There is strength within the sorrow, There is beauty in our tears
You meet us in our mourning, With a love that casts out fear
You are working in our waiting, Sanctifying us
When beyond our understanding, You're teaching us to trust
Your plans are still to prosper, You have not forgotten us
You're with us in the fire and the flood
Faithful forever, Perfect in love
You are sovereign over us
You are wisdom unimagined, Who could understand your ways
Reigning high above the heavens, Reaching down in endless grace
You're the Lifter of the lowly, Compassionate and kind
You surround and You uphold me, Your promises are my delight
Even what the enemy means for evil
You turn it for our good, You turn it for our good and for your glory
Even in the valley You are faithful
You're working for our good, You're working for our good and for Your glory
Although adoption was not "Plan B" for our family, we ARE "Plan B" for this baby in Haiti. "Plan A" for this baby would be for this child to grow up with their biological family in the country and culture they were born. We are not the heroes in this story... Not. At. All. We are not even "Plan B" or even "Plan C" for this child that will grieve their biological parents, their country, their identity. James 1:27, "Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you."
Our journey is not and never will be "glamorous" and will probably never look as what our culture would consider "normal". However, no one's journey is normal really, because no one is perfect. And, is it just me, or is perfect kinda... well... boring? This journey has definitely been far from boring and most days quite difficult, but as children of God, joy is available to us although not automatic. We did not choose adoption. Adoption chose us, and we must respond in obedience knowing that His grace is sufficient. We desire for humility to be the theme of our journey as we choose joy. Because we are children of God, we are the rescued ones not our babies.
Our Father redeemed us and rescued us to make us children of God! He loves us. He understands us. He provides for us. He forgives us. He disciplines us. He leads us. He is our Father! Romans 8:14-17 says, "For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God. So you have not received a spirit that makes you fearful slaves. Instead, you received God''s Spirit when he adopted you as his own children. Now we call him, "Abba, Father." For his Spirit joins with our spirit to affirm that we are God's children. And since we are his children, we are his heirs. In fact, together with Christ we are heirs of God's glory. But if we are to share his glory, we must also share his suffering."
May I share something with you that is so intimate, overwhelmingly freeing, humbling, and unbelievably powerful that I can barely even continue to type? I am truly grateful to be 1 of the "1 out of 8". My Father has taught me so much about Him and His heart on this journey as He chooses to continue to reveal Himself to me even in my sad, pitiful attempt to pursue Him. He is sovereign, and His plan is perfect. Whatever journey you are on, be confident in who God is and that His plan is perfect. He is sovereign. He is always good. He is always right. He is always faithful, and He is our Father. You are chosen. As a child of God, you are adopted!
Puzzle Update: 270 out of 500 pieces have been sponsored. We are so overwhelmed, humbled, and grateful to so many for their generosity. Over 90 families representing 10 different states have joined us on this journey. Continue to pray for us as we are currently in the home study process. Pray for efficiency and endurance. Pray for our little one or ones in Haiti. Pray for their safety, health, and little hearts to be protected throughout this process. Thank you to all of you who have joined us in this incredible journey of God growing our family through adoption.
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