Sunday, April 26, 2015

What the Last Week has "MINT" to Me

Spring is here and everything MINT is what this girl is into! From my favorite MINT Papers of Peace necklace, my MINT toenails, my favorite pair of "stretchy pants" with mini MINT stripes, Moroccan MINT hot tea, MINT gum, MINT chocolate chip ice cream, pepperMINT oil, MINT chapstick, to my 10 year old MINT house shoes - MINT is just a little, simple thing that has brought so much joy the past week. Clean. Calm. Cool. Refreshing. Energizing...  My fetish with MINT in the recent days has nothing really to do with anything, other than being grateful for the joy found in simplicity. 

This past week, April 19th-25th was National Infertility Awareness Week and has "mint" something very special to me. The purpose of this blog is to share our journey with those of you who continue to be a constant source of encouragement and support to Jared and I. 1 out of 8 couples will experience infertility, and we are 1 or those 1s.

Obviously being the "1 out of 8" was not part of "our plan" - especially not "Positive Perky Planning Patty's" plan (for those of you who know me well). "Our Plan" was simple: "Have 2. Adopt 2." But now, after over 5 years of not preventing pregnancy, we have decided that maybe...just maybe...God's plan for our family is simply: "Adopt 2. Have 2." And... if not, our God is always good. Our God is always right. Our God is always faithful. Our God is able.

Adoption was never "Plan B" for us. It was always a part of our "Plan A", and we knew even before we were married that adoption would be a part of our journey. There have been many days that we did not even know how to pray. Knowing that our God sees us and knows our desire for a child, we allowed Scripture to speak hope and the Spirit of God to bring peace in what seems many times like a helpless, desperate, and painful situation. If that's you in your journey... Keep praying. Keep trusting. Be still. Create an atmosphere where you are invited into the presence of God. Rest in His peace. His Spirit intercedes for you. Romans 8:26 says, "Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness for we we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words."

So many people assume that we are unable to biologically have children, because we are adopting. But... that is not the case. According to tests that have been done, there is no "reason" that we cannot biologically have children. So here is just a thought: Is it possible that God just may be preventing pregnancy in order to bring a little one (or ones) all the way from Haiti to be a part of our family? What a life we could live if we TRULY believed that God is working ALL things for our good and His glory. He just asks us to simply acknowledge Him and obey His Word. 

Sovereign Over Us

There is strength within the sorrow, There is beauty in our tears
You meet us in our mourning, With a love that casts out fear
You are working in our waiting, Sanctifying us
When beyond our understanding, You're teaching us to trust

Your plans are still to prosper, You have not forgotten us
You're with us in the fire and the flood
Faithful forever, Perfect in love
You are sovereign over us 

You are wisdom unimagined, Who could understand your ways
Reigning high above the heavens, Reaching down in endless grace
You're the Lifter of the lowly, Compassionate and kind
You surround and You uphold me, Your promises are my delight

Even what the enemy means for evil
You turn it for our good, You turn it for our good and for your glory
Even in the valley You are faithful
You're working for our good, You're working for our good and for Your glory

Although adoption was not "Plan B" for our family, we ARE "Plan B" for this baby in Haiti. "Plan A" for this baby would be for this child to grow up with their biological family in the country and culture they were born. We are not the heroes in this story... Not. At. All. We are not even "Plan B" or even "Plan C" for this child that will grieve their biological parents, their country, their identity. James 1:27, "Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you." 

Our journey is not and never will be "glamorous" and will probably never look as what our culture would consider "normal". However, no one's journey is normal really, because no one is perfect. And, is it just me, or is perfect kinda... well... boring? This journey has definitely been far from boring and most days quite difficult, but as children of God, joy is available to us although not automatic. We did not choose adoption. Adoption chose us, and we must respond in obedience knowing that His grace is sufficient. We desire for humility to be the theme of our journey as we choose joy. Because we are children of God, we are the rescued ones not our babies.   

Our Father redeemed us and rescued us to make us children of God! He loves us. He understands us. He provides for us. He forgives us. He disciplines us. He leads us. He is our Father! Romans 8:14-17 says, "For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God. So you have not received a spirit that makes you fearful slaves. Instead, you received God''s Spirit when he adopted you as his own children. Now we call him, "Abba, Father." For his Spirit joins with our spirit to affirm that we are God's children. And since we are his children, we are his heirs. In fact, together with Christ we are heirs of God's glory. But if we are to share his glory, we must also share his suffering."

May I share something with you that is so intimate, overwhelmingly freeing, humbling, and unbelievably powerful that I can barely even continue to type? I am truly grateful to be 1 of the "1 out of 8". My Father has taught me so much about Him and His heart on this journey as He chooses to continue to reveal Himself to me even in my sad, pitiful attempt to pursue Him. He is sovereign, and His plan is perfect. Whatever journey you are on, be confident in who God is and that His plan is perfect. He is sovereign. He is always good. He is always right. He is always faithful, and He is our Father. You are chosen. As a child of God, you are adopted! 

Puzzle Update: 270 out of 500 pieces have been sponsored. We are so overwhelmed, humbled, and grateful to so many for their generosity. Over 90 families representing 10 different states have joined us on this journey. Continue to pray for us as we are currently in the home study process. Pray for efficiency and endurance. Pray for our little one or ones in Haiti. Pray for their safety, health, and little hearts to be protected throughout this process. Thank you to all of you who have joined us in this incredible journey of God growing our family through adoption.

Click here to sponsor a puzzle piece: 

Worship in Waiting:



Friday, April 10, 2015

My Sissy Speaks

My desire for this blog is for others to be inspired and encouraged to find and choose JOY in their journey. At the age of three, God placed someone in my life that continues to inspire and encourage me daily in my own journey. I became "Sissy" on January 7, 1991, and my life changed forever as I became the #1 fan and "protector" of this little person that I loved more than I could ever imagine. My little sister, Mallory, is someone that I have adored since day one. Although she is the little sister, I have always looked up to her, and she has always been my hero. Mal's journey is one that speaks more than just words

My Sissy Speaks STRENGTH. 

I was snuggled tight in my bed, dreaming the sweet dreams of a four year old while rocking my Alabama cheerleader pjs, of course, when my daddy rushed in my room, turned on my light, and told me to go get in the car. My heart pounds out of my chest even now as I type, because I remember that moment like it was just yesterday. I remember not asking any questions at all, but going straight to to the garage and getting in the backseat of the car. I saw my momma run to the car with Mal in her arms. Mal was thirteen months old at the time and had quit breathing. My mom had performed CPR on her, and after Mal had begun breathing again, they decided to take her to the emergency room. It was February and cold, and I remember riding in the floorboard of the backseat of the car as my daddy drove us to the hospital with the windows down to help Mal breathe easier. After a few days in the hospital, doctors confirmed that she had experienced a seizure. This event is what doctors say may have caused her speech impediment. Stuttering is such a mystery. There is no confirmed cause or cure. My sister has stuttered since she began talking. As a little girl, she talked ALL the time and did not even realize that she was any different. However, when she started kindergarten, she began to realize that she talked differently than everyone else. She began attending speech class at five years old. I would watch her go from giggling about trying to say what she so desperately wanted to say to getting so frustrated she would sometimes just want to give up. BUT, she never has. She defines STRENGTH. Even as a little girl, I knew that my sister was unique and possessed something so different from within. I decided from a very young age that I would always be close by... just in case she needed me. From meeting someone new, ordering at a restaurant, finishing her sentences, I would always be just a nudge away to be her voice. 

My Sissy Speaks BEAUTY.  

Mal is now completing her Master’s Degree in Speech Pathology in May and is passionate about her future career as a speech therapist. Now from meeting someone new, ordering at a restaurant to giving speeches in front of large crowds, I have watched her grow into a BEAUTIFUL, confident woman who has found her voice and is a true inspiration to so many. 

My Sissy Speaks HOPE.

The day after Christmas in 2013, I was planning to travel back to Africa. Before I left Mallory's boyfriend, Zach, had told me that he was planning to propose on New Year's Day. He wanted me to know, so I could prepare a video and a little gift for her to be given after he popped the question letting her know that I knew and was celebrating with her all the way from Africa. Before I got on my last flight out of the country, I had to ask Mal why she loved this guy so much. You know as the big sister, I just had to make sure... So I asked her how she knew that he was the one. She giggled a bit and simply said, "That's easy, he lets me finish my sentences." Little did I know the impact that this simple statement would make just a few days later.

On this mission, I met Sam, a fifteen year old boy, who lives at Pehucci Orphanage in Kenya. After meeting Sam, I knew immediately that he would be a special boy to my family. You would only see Sam's eyes when he was singing. If he was not singing, his head remained down and he avoided eye contact with just about everyone. While talking to Sam for the very first time, I noticed that he stuttered. I encouraged him to look at my eyes, then I told him that my sister talks just like him. He grabbed my hands, and said that he never knew anyone else that talked like he did. He then asked me, "How did she get healed from stammering?". I told him that she continues to struggle sometimes with her speech, but has learned techniques that help her be more fluent. I shared with him how eye contact is very important to her and encouraged him to continue looking at my eyes while he spoke. He then asked me if he could practice "looking at my eyes" and tell me his story. I locked eyes with this sweet face and became completely numb as he told me his story. I listened as my heart and head tried to comprehend everything that he was sharing with me. When he finished, I told him that I would be returning the next day, so if he had any questions at all about his stammering, he could feel free to ask me, and I would try to answer them the best I knew how. Not even thirty minutes later, he returned with fifteen perfectly written questions about his speech. My heart was completely overwhelmed as I read through the questions and remembering moments when my sister had asked the same exact questions. Here are just a few: "How did you feel when you realized that you were speaking different than others?" "Do you believe that it's God's will for you being a stammerer?" "Have you ever blamed God for your stammering?" "Have you ever heard someone imitating you? How did you feel? What did you tell them?" "Do you pray to God to stop making you a stammerer or what do you tell God?" "Does your stammering keep you from doing things you would really like to do?" "Do you get nervous and embarrassed?" I knew that I had to get this boy answers to his questions. So, I took a picture of his questions and emailed them to my sister half a world away. I did not given her any details at all, but just told her to answer them as quickly as possible. She woke up to an email from Africa, answered each question, and emailed her responses immediately. After receiving her answers, I stayed up all night, hand-writing them, so I could give them to Sam the next day. I wept over her answers as I saw HOPE in every single response. 

The next morning, after we arrived back at Pehucci, I hopped out of the van anxiously looking for Sam. I spotted him, ran to him, and told him that I had Mallory's answers to his questions. His response I will never EVER forget: "I have been doing chores. I will need to go shower. I must be fresh for the answers." A few minutes later he returned, and he and I sat in a classroom and discussed each question and her answers. After each response, he would just say, "Praise God. Praise God." After we finished, I then asked Sam if he would like to see a picture of Mallory. I showed him the picture, he took it, and began to cry. He looked at me with tears in his eyes and said, "She is so beautiful, and she stammers?" I said, "Yes". He asked, "She has an education, and she stammers?" I said, "Yes". He then asked, "She has a family, an she stammers?" At that moment, I was completely overwhelmed. It was January 1st, the day that Zach was planning to propose. And as I sat in that sheet metal classroom half a world away, I knew that God had used my willingness to go and her gift of stuttering to give this young boy on the other side of the world, HOPE. Mallory and Zach were married seven months later on July 27th, 2014. On that day, I passed the torch of "protector" to Zach who is now the one by her side for her to give the nudge to... just in case. Thank you, Zach, for letting her finish her sentences and being the brother I always wanted. Thanks to the BFR Kids sponsorship program, my parents are able to sponsor Sam, and he is now part of our family. 

My Sissy Speaks JOY. 

Thank you, Mal, for choosing JOY in YOUR Journey! Thank you for showing me how to overcome adversity with humility and grace. The only thing better than having you for a sister is for my kids to have you as their Aunt Mal Mal. Thank you for singing, dancing, laughing, snorting, eating, running, crying, praying, dreaming with me through this journey. Thank you for pushing me and challenging me to embrace this journey that God has chosen just for me. Thank you for always being just a nudge away to be my voice and speak STRENGTH, BEAUTY, HOPE, and JOY into my life. 

Exodus 4:11-12 "Then the LORD asked Moses, "Who makes a person's mouth? Who decides whether people speak or do not speak, hear or do not hear, see or do not see? Is it not I, the LORD? Now go! I will be with you as you speak, and I will instruct you in what to say."

Check out the video here:

Worship in Waiting: 

Friday, April 3, 2015

Burnt CDs and Giggles of Grace

I must begin this blog entry with just an absolute "bragfest" about my amazing, hunky, hottie of a hubby that left today for Kenya. He is currently teaching full-time and pursuing his Master's degree in Biblical counseling. He is a busy, hard-working fella. And, bless him, he may sometimes feel like he needs this degree in counseling just because he is married to me #hotmessexpress... But, I am so thankful for him and his sweet spirit as he is constantly speaking truth and love into my life. He is my confidence and balance as he leads our little family with such humility and grace. He chose to spend his spring break loving and serving our sweet friends and kiddos in Kenya. He will be teaching and discipling teenage boys that he has already established relationships with from previous missions. He will, of course, be on "daddy duty" as he spends time with our boys, Maxwell and Isaack, and will love on them a little extra for me. Of course, this "momma" sent him with goodies, letters, and pictures letting them know that they are prayed for and loved so BIG! This is the first time that he has traveled to Kenya without me, and as we woke up this morning to the news of the terrorist attack in Kenya, we looked at each other knowing that our God is sovereign. We experienced nothing but peace this morning as we loaded up, headed to the airport, and after lots of tight hugs and sweet kisses, he and the team headed out knowing that our God is in control, and His GRACE is sufficient.

Throughout our journey, one thing has been certain: God's GRACE is sufficient. It is enough. All that we need. We have seen this even more evident in our adoption journey. We are still currently in the home study process, taking a day at a time, and checking things off the list daily. We have been so encouraged by so many who have already been loving on our little one and have sponsored puzzle pieces in order to help us bring home the "missing piece" to our family. 233 pieces of our 500 piece puzzle have been sponsored as of today!  God is truly using His people to grow our family. Like they say, "It takes a village", and we are so thankful to be a part of the body of Christ. Friends are family that you choose, and we are honored that so many of you have chosen to join us on this journey of bringing our baby home from Haiti. We have not been matched with a child yet, but know that God sees and knows who he/she is. Hopeful. Anxious. Impatient. Content. Excited. Joyful. Worry. Heartache. Peaceful. Overwhelmed. Humbled. Grateful. Freaking out... are ALL emotions felt sometimes even all in just one day, it seems. YET, at the end of every day, we KNOW that His GRACE is sufficient.

Since Jared is in the air heading to one of our "Peace Places", even as I type, I must share with you a story from our first trip to Kenya. It was our first day at Wings of Life Children's Center located in Kibera, the largest slum in Africa and the second largest in the world. We walked through the gate and were greeted by singing and dancing. Instantly, my attention was drawn to a tiny, little girl with a BIG grin and even BIGGER ears. It didn't take long before she was in my arms, and I knew there was just something special about her. The next night, the girls in my room were chatting and preparing for our last day at Wings. As we were discussing the difficulty of knowing tomorrow would be our last day to spend with these little ones, one team member reminded us that God's grace is sufficient. My sweet friend had prepared verse cards for me to open throughout the week while we are on mission, and not even 5 minutes after this conversation, I opened my verse card for that day. It read, "2 Corinthians 12:9 And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee; for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong." The next morning, I shared the verse with the team during our morning devo time, and we headed to Wings for our last day. At the end of the day, it came time to say our goodbyes, and that means that even on a cloudy day, the sunglasses come out as the tears begin to flow. I scooped that little one that caught my attention on the first day up into my arms, and knew that I had to know her name before we left. Because she is so little she did not speak English well, so I asked an older child what her name was... "Her name is Grace." Of course it is... just look at her! I literally saw GRACE like never before and know now, more than ever before, that HIS GRACE is all I need.

So... You may be wondering what is with the title, "Burnt CDs and Giggles of Grace". Well, my day today ended with a sweet time with a sweet friend. We have been friends since junior high and have shared many, many giggles together as well as "jammed" to many a burnt cd back in the day. And, tonight was no different as we sat as mommies in our monogram hats, sipping coffee, and giggling about, well, everything really. But, this was not just a simple "catch up", it was a picture of GRACE. I watched her radiate that "mommy glow" as she talked about her little one that was longed for and prayed for. She was such an encouragement to me and gave me a burnt cd from her cd player in her car that God  used to speak to her during her time of waiting. I spent my drive home in a time of worship, then the coffee kicked in, and here I am... resting in His GRACE.    

We experience this GRACE, because of what we celebrate this weekend. This GRACE is possible because of the cross. We can experience GRACE even today, because of the empty tomb. HE IS ALIVE! 

James 1:16-17 "And of his fulness have all we received, and GRACE for GRACE. For the law was given by Moses, but GRACE and truth came by JESUS CHRIST."