Sunday, June 21, 2015

"Fatherfull" - from the Daddy to Be

 It’s Father’s Day, and I cannot help but sit here and ponder how blessed I am. I have been blessed with many people that have molded and shaped me into the man I am today, but especially all of my “fathers.” I have to start, of course, with my Dad. I share his name (Phillip), and I am carrying on his hairline. Morgan reminds me often that I display many of his mannerisms. Don’t get me wrong... I am proud of all that, but I most strive to exemplify his walk with the Lord. This rambunctious kid was always running through the house playing, and invariably I would stumble into my parent’s room to find my Dad on his knees. I knew that I wasn’t supposed to disturb him, and I knew that he was praying for me. Thank you, Dad, for living a life of faithful service to God and our family and pointing me to my heavenly Father.

And then there’s Big Daddy, my Daddy-in-law. He is always telling people that he couldn’t find two better sons-in-law for his girls if he searched the world over. I know I can speak for Zach, but the truth is, we couldn’t have found a better daddy-in-law in the entire world! Sure, on the outside, he looks like Godwin from Duck Dynasty, but deep down, he’s a big “softie” with the most generous heart. I don’t take lightly everything that he’s done for me, and I’m most thankful for the wonderful girl that he raised. Thank you, Big Daddy, for showing Christ through your sacrificial heart and pointing me to Him.

Even though he’s more like my big brother, I do have to give a shout-out to my “father-figure” in Delaware. You know who you are. You have taught me so much over the years. I’ve watched you like a hawk, and I’ve always wanted to be like you because your life preaches so much more than your mouth ever could. I’m blessed to call you my friend. I love ya, man!

As you can see, I am blessed way beyond what I deserve. This is because of the most wonderful DADDY that anyone can have, my heavenly Father. He has been so gracious to me in my life. If it were not for Him, none of these wonderful men would be a part of my life. Like Levi and Lia in this video, I truly am “Fatherfull!” Check out this video to see "Fatherful" defined in two, little lives that were once "fatherless":

I cannot imagine what it is like for so many children throughout this world to not know the love of a father. It breaks my heart to think that many of them may not even know that they are loved by a heavenly Father. I am thankful to God that He has allowed us to minister to young people both locally and globally. As I ponder fatherhood this Father’s Day, I am both excited and scared out of my mind! Lord willing, it will be next year sometime when we will be able to make our first trip to see our little one(s). I desire to continue the legacy of my “fathers” by living and sharing with our children the love of Christ and pointing them to the best Father of all. With Him, everyone is “Fatherfull!”

Romans 8:15-18, "...but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out, "Abba, Father!" The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, heirs also, heirs of God and fellow ears with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him so that we may also be glorified with Him. For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us."

Thank you to everyone that has prayed for us and supported us financially in completing our puzzle. We are one step closer to bringing our baby (or babies) home from Haiti! Happy Father's Day! 

Worship in Waiting: 

Friday, June 12, 2015

Feeling Down? Look Around.

Well... HI friends...It has been a while, huh? Summer is here, and the Coopers are enjoying some extra time together since school is out. We have been very busy with our home study and are so grateful that it is almost, YES, almost complete. Next, we will submit our dossier to the Haitian government: "The term ‘dossier’ when used in the context of adoption refers to a collection of legal documents that are appropriately authenticated and translated and used in international adoption cases to process the adoption of a child in its own country by the adoptive parents. The information that is required differs by country. Normally, records to prove a family's identity, finances, health, and character are included in a dossier." (US Legal & Law Definition) 

After our dossier is submitted, we will be waiting to be matched with our baby (or babies), then wait for an invitation to make our first visit to meet our kiddos. The past six months have been FULL of highs and lows, but what an incredible journey it has already been! We have definitely experienced many different emotions, and every day brings its own unique joys and challenges. BUT... there have been two things that have been constant: OUR GOD and HIS PEOPLE.

OUR GOD is so very faithful, good, right, and He loves us so much. He continues to reveal Himself in such unique, powerful, and intimate ways. We have made our little one's closet a place of prayer and praise, and it has become a special place to experience true, sweet peace that can only be found in God's presence. Philippians 4:6-7 "Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus." 

HIS PEOPLE have loved, supported, and prayed for us. You know who you are... Those of you that have texted, called, hugged, supported, laughed and cried with us. God, in His sovereignty, has used so many to encourage us and join us on this incredible journey. Our baby (or babies) have no idea how much they are loved! Your love and support will show our little ones that they are loved by so MANY... MORE than they could ever imagine, but MOST by our God. THANK YOU for allowing God to use you to speak life into us. Galatians 6:2 "Share each other's burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ."

When I am feeling down, all I have to do is look around. Our God is working in our waiting through His People. 

Our God. His People... Give us JOY in the Journey! 

PUZZLE UPDATE: 443 pieces sponsored. 138 families. 16 states. 57 to go!!! 

Worship in Waiting: