Thursday, October 19, 2017

Prescription of GRACE

R... ummm... S... T... I think... L... Yep... N... E????

Nope, I wasn't watching an episode of "Wheel of Fortune", but instead, I was guessing the lovely letters on the chart while recently visiting the eye doctor. I left the office that day not only with a prescription and fancy frames, but with a new perspective after the Holy Spirit sweetly met with me in that dimly lit room. 

I see what I see, right? I did not know anything different until... my eyes were tested. Not until they were challenged a bit did I realize what I had been missing. Our perspectives are different, because our stories are developed by our unique experiences. Culture, season of life, family, our stuff, education, relationships, career - ALL we know and ALL we do not know effects our perspective. How we SEE others and our world is unique and impacted not only by our experiences, but also our relationship with our God who desires for us to see clearly through His "prescription" of GRACE. This prescription is a privilege - not earned or obtained by anything we have done or could ever do. WHO we see is more important than HOW we see, friends. Our perspectives are different, because we each wear a different set of "glasses" gifted to us by a God who desires to adjust our lenses, so that we can see what HE SEES. Our eyes are insufficient which is why we need this "prescription" of GRACE, so that our vision can be empowered only by eternity. May we choose to humbly listen to others with different lenses, so that we can learn, know, grow and ultimately, truly SEE as God sees that we may live and love in a way so others may experience this AMAZING GRACE. 

ADOPTION UPDATE: I have been anxiously awaiting to make my first entry in the journal above. It was a gift for my birthday, and I told myself that I would begin to bullet my thoughts and prayers in it when we booked our plane tickets to Bogota. And today was the day, friends! We are headed to Bogota to bring our baby boy HOME super soon! From the pic below, you can see that this momma is not the only one with new glasses. I can't even handle all of the sweetness in that sweater and those little hands that have completely stolen our hearts. 

Your continued prayers are most appreciated as we desire nothing more than for God to be glorified through this journey. We are grateful that God not only hears our prayers, but answers them. My sister has created a Prayer Wall for our village to partner with us while we prepare for travel and our time in country. To sign up for a day to commit to pray for our little family, simply click here: Cooper Prayer Wall

Please be in prayer for the following:
- Our relationship and preparation for parenting 
- Our kiddo's spiritual, physical, and emotional health 
- For those in Haiti and Colombia caring for our kiddos
- Haiti referral to be received soon. Again, we have not been officially matched with a child in Haiti YET, but are anticipating an official match soon.
- Colombia travel plans and time in country. We will be living in Colombia for about a month while the adoption is being finalized. 
- God's provision. We are taking a huge step of faith, knowing that our God is able. Please prayerfully consider helping support us financially. Of the $70,000-$80,000 needed in order to complete both adoptions, we have raised and saved about $45,000. You can make a donation by going to or in order for your gift to be tax deductible. OR purchase HAITI BEADS!!! Over the past year, we have SOLD OVER 1,200 bracelets to help support our adoption, and so many continue to ask about them. Again, these beauties are just $10 each and handmade in Haiti! Not only will your purchase help this mommy and daddy bring their little loves HOME from Haiti and Colombia, but will also empower mommies and daddies in Haiti to care for their children with hope and dignity. We know our God is working in our waiting, and we continue to be humbled by our tribe that continues to love and support us in this journey. (comment, message, text or email to order. $3 shipping)

"Father, help me to continue to SEE the GOOD in the "not knowing"... the JOY in the "in-between"... the MEANING in the "meantime." AMEN

Worship in Waiting:
"Out of Hiding" Steffany Gretzinger
"You Are My Vision" Rend Collective

Friday, September 8, 2017

HE's Got the Little Bitty Babies...

"HE's got the little, bitty babies in HIS hands. HE's got the whole world in HIS hands..." is what has been on repeat in this momma's head and heart over the past few days and weeks. We have been SO humbled and overwhelmed by the messages and phone calls checking in on our little loves, so we decided to hop on with a few, quick updates. 

HAITI UPDATE: We have been in touch with our social worker who has kept us in the loop on what is happening on the ground in Haiti during Hurricane Irma. The storm was severe, but thank goodness, not as catastrophic as anticipated after moving north. The strong winds and flooding were the biggest concern, but many resources have reported that there was no major damage, and the people of Haiti are safe. We continue to pray for so many suffering as a result of these storms and remember that everything we have is His, and He remains in control of the big and small.

It will be 2 years this Thanksgiving that our dossier was submitted to Haiti, friends. We have NOT yet received an official referral for a child from the Haiti Matching Committee, but are anticipating a match very soon. Because of our little one in Colombia, we are now open to being matched with either a boy or a girl in Haiti. ALL of this to say, we do not yet know who our child in Haiti is, but we do know that they have had a part of our heart for a very long time. We are committed to this process, because we are committed to our child. So... we wait and TRUST.

COLOMBIA UPDATE: Plans to travel to Colombia NEXT MONTH to bring baby boy HOME have begun. We are waiting for an official travel date while his immigration papers are being processed. Until then, we are dreaming of these little hands in ours.

We decided very early in this journey that we would share our story that others may journey with us to learn and know of the goodness of our Father and His heart while also becoming more educated about the orphan crisis and our world. However, adoption is complicated and beautifully complex. Your continued prayers are most appreciated as we desire nothing more than for God to be glorified through this journey. Please continue be in prayer for the following:
- Our relationship and preparation for parenting 
- Our kiddo's spiritual, physical, and emotional health 
- For those in Haiti and Colombia caring for our kiddos
- Haiti referral to be received soon. Again, we have not been officially matched with a child in Haiti YET, but are anticipating an official match soon.
- Colombia travel plans and time in country. We will be living in Colombia for about a month while the adoption is being finalized. 
- God's provision. We are taking a huge step of faith, knowing that our God is able. Please prayerfully consider helping support us financially. Of the $70,000-$80,000 needed in order to complete both adoptions, we have raised and saved about $40,000. You can make a donation by going to or in order for your gift to be tax deductible. OR purchase HAITI BEADS!!! Over the past year, we have SOLD OVER 1,200 bracelets to help support our adoption, and so many continue to ask about them. Again, these beauties are just $10 each and handmade in Haiti! Not only will your purchase help this mommy and daddy bring their little loves HOME from Haiti and Colombia, but will also empower mommies and daddies in Haiti to care for their children with hope and dignity. We know our God is working in our waiting, and we continue to be humbled by our tribe that continues to love and support us in this journey. (comment, message, text or email to order. $3 shipping)

"Yet what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory he will reveal to us later. For all creation is waiting eagerly for that future day when God will reveal who his children really are. Against its will, all creation was subjected to God’s curse. But with eager hope, the creation looks forward to the day when it will join God’s children in glorious freedom from death and decay. For we know that all creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. And we believers also groan, even though we have the Holy Spirit within us as a foretaste of future glory, for we long for our bodies to be released from sin and suffering. We, too, wait with eager hope for the day when God will give us our full rights as His adopted children, including the new bodies He has promised us. We were given this hope when we were saved. (If we already have something, we don’t need to hope for it. But if we look forward to something we don’t yet have, we must wait patiently and confidently.) And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don’t know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words. And the Father who knows all hearts knows what the Spirit is saying, for the Spirit pleads for us believers in harmony with God’s own will. And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them." Romans 8:18-28

Worship in Waiting:
"HOME" Chris Tomlin
"Even If" Mercy Me

Monday, July 31, 2017

Eternally Sunny

Because sunflowers have been my absolute favorite for as long as I can remember, they are always my sweet hubby's go-to "just because" bouquet. Each individual, bright, yellow bloom seems to just always make any space brighter. Yes, sunflowers and sunshine are always a must for the Cooper Cottage. Some days before the sun is even up, I visit each window and open the blinds before heading into the kitchen excited for my morning coffee and time in the Word. Throughout the day, I find myself anticipating the variety of ways that the sun will distribute itself throughout our "Peace Place". Even on rainy days, the light of the day seems to just always give our home hope, reminding us that each day is a new day full of new mercies and even greater JOY.

"Enjoys interacting with others. Loves music." - words beside the face of a sweet baby boy with the biggest brown eyes. Loves people and music?! Jared and I knew almost instantly that we were looking at the face of OUR baby boy. It was after yet another phone call with 1 of our 2 social workers that we learned that this little boy was diagnosed with Williams Syndrome. We were both unfamiliar with the disorder, so we immediately started to do research and confide in family and close friends, especially those who serve and are also parents to children with special needs. The day we received his file, I immediately texted my sister and asked her to meet me at the nearest Starbucks. As I sat across from her, she sipped her coffee anticipating a picture of the little one that would make her Aunt Mal Mal. When I showed her his picture, she smiled so big as even bigger tears began to fall from both of our eyes. I then went on to tell her more about him and his diagnosis. Being in the speech and language pathology field, I was interested to know if she knew much about WS. When I told her, she simply responded with the words... "eternally sunny", which is how one of her professors defined WS, and she had never forgotten it.

"Approximately one in every 10,000 people worldwide lives with Williams syndrome, according to the Williams Syndrome Association. The rare genetic condition is characterized by learning difficulties and developmental delays as well as medical complications like cardiovascular disease. But people with the condition also tend to be highly social, kindhearted and have affinities for language and music." according to Rachel Kassenbrock who goes on to share what families and individuals living with WS really want others to know. (article: What It's Like Living With Williams Syndrome )
  • “Individuals with Williams syndrome can teach us all that despite their struggles, they manage to smile and enjoy life. [That’s] something a lot of people forget. People with Williams syndrome have the most contagious smile and a zest for life that most people lack.” — Sylvia Navarro
  • “You will never meet another person like someone with Williams syndrome. [These people] are… the brightest souls on earth with the biggest hearts.” — Tammy Barry
  • “Not all individuals with Williams syndrome are the same. They are all unique and have a wide range of abilities. Their personalities and behavior vary.” — Jessica Fountain Peterson 
  • “The sunshine and sincere, genuine love for life and for people that radiate in individuals with Williams syndrome is indescribable.” — Erin Kaplan Rupolo
  • “The most difficult challenges will be far outmatched by the greatest rewards they bring into your life. Every accomplishment and milestone is met with immeasurable joy that you would never experience with anyone else. They will surprise you with their love, generosity and happiness when you least expect it, and you will be infected by it.” — Richard A Williams Jr.
  • “My son has such a true deep love for people, sometimes after only knowing them a few minutes. I wish more ‘typically developing’ people were the same. Can you imagine the peace and joy that would fill the world?” — Maggie Garrison
  • “Williams syndrome is a complex collection of heartbreak, heart-busting joy, extreme physical and cognitive challenges and amazing talent. [People with Williams syndrome are] extraordinary human beings with such profound capacity to love and ability to express happiness that the strangers around them often stop in their tracks and smile.” — Nancy Paslay
  • “[Many people with Williams syndrome] have great memory skills, crave and excel with a set routine, love any and all get togethers because it nurtures their huge social side. The world is a much better place because of them.” — Marianne Mepham Newton
  • “Don’t think [Williams syndrome] is the end of the world. It’s the beginning of a long adventure.” — Delores Carr
"You are My Sunshine" and "Can't Stop the Feeling" have become tunes daily sang and danced to around the Cooper Cottage as we continue to be so humbled and honored to have the privilege of stewarding this sweet soul, that he may experience the glory and unconditional love of our Heavenly Father who knit him together, fearfully and wonderfully. Our God has always known him and sees him even now. He is sovereign over our sweet boy's little life as He continues to orchestrate all things for his good and His glory. My sweet, little sunshine, you were wished for, longed for, prayed for and wanted.

"You have given me a greater JOY..." Psalm 4:7

We began this adoption journey over 2 and a half years ago, and it's been almost 7 months since we received the call about our baby boy in Colombia. Since then, we have been busy with MORE paperwork and overwhelmed by yes, MORE and MORE fees. YET, our God remains faithful and our tribe supportive as each day is just one more day closer to bringing BOTH of our babies HOME. We are currently still waiting on one final paper before the Colombian process can continue and a travel date can be given. However, we remain hopeful that we will meet our little guy very soon and have him home before the holidays while also with much anticipation hoping to receive an official referral from Haiti any day now. Your continued prayers are most appreciated as we desire nothing more than for God to be glorified through this journey. Please continue be in prayer for the following:
- Our relationship and preparation for parenting 
- Our kiddo's spiritual, physical, and emotional health 
- For those in Haiti and Colombia caring for our kiddos
- Colombian dossier to be completed, approved and travel date given quickly
- Haiti referral to be received soon
- God's provision. We are taking a huge step of faith, knowing that our God is able. Please prayerfully consider helping support us financially. Of the $70,000-$80,000 needed in order to complete both adoptions, we have raised and saved about $35,000. You can make a donation by going to or in order for your gift to be tax deductible.

Worship (and Dancing) in Waiting:
"Wonder" Hillsong UNITED
"Can't Stop the Feeling" Justin Timberlake

Friday, June 30, 2017

Airplane Mode

So much to say, but so few words can be found these days, friends. When we started this journey of adoption over 2 and half years ago and even before then, navigating my thoughts seemed so simple. However, in recent weeks and even months, my thoughts and feelings are extremely conflicted as I wrestle to get them beyond the "battle of the brain" and on to paper. Even as I type now... there is struggle where there has never really been before. Maybe it's the conflict of the known vs the unknown. hope vs doubt. joy vs grief. time moving fast vs time not moving fast enough. provision vs need. predictability vs flexibility. sweet peace vs worry. trust vs fear. rest vs restlessness. purpose vs panic. and so on... 

It seems that the present moment has become a sacred, sweet spot for me - an opportunity to silence every other thought and allow the Holy Spirit to remind me over and over again what I know to be TRUE from HIS Word. My struggle with the present is that it is not permanent. Chapters are concluded. Moments become memories. Seasons are here, then gone. I am learning so much about the importance of the present while fulfilling my purpose and while preparing for the days ahead. Each step we take today will determine our tomorrow and together, will define our journey. 

Monday... 4:30 a.m. alarm. Plexus pink drink and a protein bar. Comfy clothes and shoes. Backpack full of water, snacks and tp (just in case). My 2 favorite guys. AND... AIRPLANE MODE. We headed to the trail, parked and by 6:00 a.m. were walking through the woods in the dark anticipating the sunrise as we began our 6 mile hike to the top of Mt. Leconte. This was our third time to the top together with the last two times being over a decade ago. I knew what to expect with each step, but did not expect each step to speak so deeply into my soul. As we began, I was pumped with major pep in each step while crossing bridges, climbing through caves, soaking in the sights, and chatting with the boys. Then, as the sun begin to expose the beauty around us, it seemed to also expose the beauty of our story. My thoughts overwhelmed me as I literally saw each step of our journey with each physical step I took. Through tears, I followed my husband's quick and sure steps as he followed the narrow trail thinking to myself over and over again that I would follow that amazing man anywhere, because I know he is committed to this journey and the path chosen for us. Then, listening to my daddy not too far behind of course, making jokes and making me laugh each step of the way. Knowing that he, along with so many others, are behind me supporting and following us on the journey. Goodness... how grateful I am for each person who is journeying with us.    

From rest breaks to water breaks, God continued to speak. He is the Giver of sweet rest and refreshment along the journey, friends. The moments we were the most still were the moments we were able to breathe in deeply the crisp, clean, fresh air and truly take in the wonder around us. These moments of stillness are what sustained us on the journey and were necessary in order to continue on the journey ahead. The trip to the top was tough. Our time at the top was super sweet. However, the journey down was definitely tougher than I expected. The reality of not being able to complete our journey at the top was difficult for me. I desired to stay where the distractions were at a distance, far removed from any and every difficulty... including the 6 mile journey down Mt. Leconte. We were tired and our feet and muscles ached, but heading back to the bottom was part of the journey we decided to take. With less pep in my step, I held tightly to each cable provided continuing to learn new lessons with every careful step after the other. "The Lord will guide you continually, giving you water when you are dry and restoring your strength. You will be like a well-water garden, like an ever-flowing spring." Isaiah 58:11

We were miles away from everything and had everything we needed. We were free from all distractions, yet distracted by the vastness and beauty of what our eyes beheld. We were out of breath, but what we were experiencing constantly took our breath away. I heard HIS voice above all else. I saw HIM with every sight. And, friends HE is here and near as HE was there, but over and over again, I often choose distraction that leads to discouragement. So, I am choosing AIRPLANE MODE in order to be present and continue taking hard and sometimes unsteady steps along the path I have been given. Steps that lead to sweet rest, refreshment, beauty and wonder by choosing JOY in the journey. 

Our present steps in our adoption process include Haiti fees being processed which could mean a match any day as well as completed dossier paperwork for Colombia with the exception of immigration papers that are in the process of being approved. We have been told and are praying to have a travel date scheduled no later than October for Colombia. You have chosen to join us on this journey and because of that, we continue to be truly grateful and humbled by the love and support shown for our little family. Your continued prayers are most appreciated as we desire nothing more than for God to be glorified through this journey. Please continue be in prayer for the following:
- Our relationship and preparation for parenting 
- Our kiddo's spiritual, physical, and emotional health 
- For those in Haiti and Colombia caring for our kiddos
- Colombian dossier to be completed, approved and travel date given quickly
- Haiti referral to be received soon
- God's provision. We are taking a huge step of faith, knowing that our God is able. Please prayerfully consider helping support us financially. Of the $70,000 needed in order to complete both adoptions, we have raised and saved about $30,000. You can make a donation by going to or in order for your gift to be tax deductible.

And if you haven't heard... THE BEADS ARE BACK, FRIENDS!!! Last fall, we sold 900 bracelets to help support our adoption, and so many continue to ask about them. So with 2 KIDDOS on the way and one coming HOME SOON, fees are flying in fast! These beauties are just $10 each and handmade in Haiti! Not only will your purchase help this mommy and daddy bring their little loves home from Haiti and Colombia, but will also empower mommies and daddies in Haiti to care for their children with hope and dignity. We know our God is working in our waiting, and we continue to be humbled by our tribe that continues to love and support us in this journey. Let's get these babies HOME!!! 
(comment, message, text or email to order. $3 shipping)

Worship in Waiting:
"Wonder" Bethel Music
"Even If" Mercy Me

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Break the SILENCE

The ceiling fan is buzzing, yep... my oils are diffusing and I lay in bed watching the shadows from the tree outside of our window dance on the ceiling above. I'm not sure what time it is, because I refuse to pick up my phone scared to know how late or early it might be. It is quiet, yet my thoughts are loud and conflicting. I quickly focus my head and heart on what I know... that my God sees, hears, and is in complete control over ALL things. 


Finally, 5:30 comes and alarms begin to sound. After a snooze or two, Jared gets up and heads straight to our front window, pulls the curtain to the side to check on his grass seed that he planted. The time and attention he gives always results in a lovely yard outside of the Cooper Cottage. This particular morning, I thought to myself about how a seed taking root in order to sprout and grow required struggle, care, time... all in SILENCE. 

Yes, we live in a culture where we are experts at distraction and distance. We are more connected than ever, yet more disconnected than ever. We schedule every moment of each day even if with just noise. We avoid SILENCE. It makes us uncomfortable. Maybe because it is in the struggle of SILENCE, true growth actually takes place. 

BUT... why does suffering or struggle seem so SILENT?

The tiny baby in an orphanage stops crying and is SILENT after their needs go unmet. The street kid hides in SILENCE waiting to pick food from the trash. The foster kid is SILENCED by the system as they are sent from home to home. The young girl who is trafficked is SILENCED by fear. Addictions are fueled in SILENCE. The anxious and depressed work tirelessly to SILENCE the voices in their head while suffering alone. The diseased and disabled are SILENCED by the difficulties they encounter day to day. After years and years of infertility, she is SILENT about her story and full of shame. 
Our world is FULL of suffering... from terrorism to tragedy to when you can't even imagine anything more evil or terrifying to suffering that is subtle and yes, SILENT... It's everywhere we look, but do we really SEE it? And why don't we hear it?  

As a child of God, suffering should be expected. BUT, friends, because of the cross and the empty grave, it is NOT eternal. Because God our Father sent His Son to die on a cruel cross, He experienced suffering to the fullest extent that we may know, believe, and trust in Him. Because of His ultimate suffering, we are able to OVERCOME and BREAK the SILENCE with a SONG.

Is God trusting you with SILENCE?
Friend, embrace and even celebrate the SILENCE in suffering, because it is there where God grows you and gives you a song - a song that can be used to sing of His goodness and grace. Then, choose to sit in SILENCE with others and together sing the songs that were written in the secret, SILENT places of suffering, sorrow and shame by our God who overcame sin and death. Then three days later, He was resurrected that we may experience ETERNAL life with Him in glory where we will forever be separated from suffering.

These words are not just based on my own "type" of suffering, but instead have resulted from a lifetime of choosing to walk with and see suffering in all shapes and sizes. Over the years, I have found myself drawn to the SILENT, secret and yes, scary places of suffering, and it is there friends, where I have seen God the most clearly and felt Him in my Spirit the most deeply. Yes... scary, terrifying, ugly, unfair, inconvenient, unsafe, BUT isn't that the reality of our world? And that's the reason, friends, the Gospel is such GOOD NEWS! Suffering gives the Gospel a SILENT stage - a place where chains are loosened and true freedom is experienced here as we prepare for and anticipate eternity there!  

"Suffering is a sign that you have come so close to Him that He can kiss you." Mother Teresa 

We may never experience the type of suffering Paul endured, but there is such beauty in the truths found in his letter to Timothy that can be applied to you... to me... today... every day... as we live in this world full of suffering and actively choose to walk with those who are suffering even in SILENCE. Walk through this letter with me allowing the Holy Spirit to speak life into your soul that has experienced, is experiencing or will experience some type of suffering.

2 Timothy 1:8-12 "So never be ashamed to tell others about our Lord. And don’t be ashamed of me, either, even though I’m in prison for him. With the strength God gives you, be ready to suffer with me for the sake of the Good News. For God saved us and called us to live a holy life. He did this, not because we deserved it, but because that was his plan from before the beginning of time—to show us his grace through Christ Jesus. And now he has made all of this plain to us by the appearing of Christ Jesus, our Savior. He broke the power of death and illuminated the way to life and immortality through the Good News. And God chose me to be a preacher, an apostle, and a teacher of this Good News. That is why I am suffering here in prison. But I am not ashamed of it, for I know the one in whom I trust, and I am sure that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him until the day of his return."

2 Timothy 2:1-13 "Timothy, my dear son, be strong through the grace that God gives you in Christ Jesus. You have heard me teach things that have been confirmed by many reliable witnesses. Now teach these truths to other trustworthy people who will be able to pass them on to others. Endure suffering along with me, as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. Soldiers don’t get tied up in the affairs of civilian life, for then they cannot please the officer who enlisted them. And athletes cannot win the prize unless they follow the rules. And hardworking farmers should be the first to enjoy the fruit of their labor. Think about what I am saying. The Lord will help you understand all these things. Always remember that Jesus Christ, a descendant of King David, was raised from the dead. This is the Good News I preach. And because I preach this Good News, I am suffering and have been chained like a criminal. But the word of God cannot be chained. So I am willing to endure anything if it will bring salvation and eternal glory in Christ Jesus to those God has chosen. This is a trustworthy saying: If we die with him, we will also live with him. If we endure hardship, we will reign with him. If we deny him, he will deny us. If we are unfaithful, he remains faithful, for he cannot deny who he is."

2 Timothy 3:10-17 "But you, Timothy, certainly know what I teach, and how I live, and what my purpose in life is. You know my faith, my patience, my love, and my endurance. You know how much persecution and suffering I have endured. You know all about how I was persecuted in Antioch, Iconium, and Lystra—but the Lord rescued me from all of it. Yes, and everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. But evil people and impostors will flourish. They will deceive others and will themselves be deceived. But you must remain faithful to the things you have been taught. You know they are true, for you know you can trust those who taught you. You have been taught the holy Scriptures from childhood, and they have given you the wisdom to receive the salvation that comes by trusting in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work."

2 Timothy 4:1-5 "I solemnly urge you in the presence of God and Christ Jesus, who will someday judge the living and the dead when he comes to set up his Kingdom: Preach the word of God. Be prepared, whether the time is favorable or not. Patiently correct, rebuke, and encourage your people with good teaching. For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear. They will reject the truth and chase after myths. But you should keep a clear mind in every situation. Don’t be afraid of suffering for the Lord. Work at telling others the Good News, and fully carry out the ministry God has given you."

This week, we celebrate Easter. A time we acknowledge Jesus' suffering. And... because of the cross, and because Jesus gloriously conquered death and the grave, we can not only endure suffering, but can also celebrate it knowing that... "Therefore, since we have been made right in God’s sight by faith, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us. Because of our faith, Christ has brought us into this place of undeserved privilege where we now stand, and we confidently and JOYFULLY look forward to sharing God’s glory. We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation. And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love." (Romans 5:1-5) He endured our suffering that we may be full of JOY and sing in SILENCE and YES, OUT LOUD of the goodness and grace of our God!

Adoption Update: We have one of two little beds set up here at the Cooper Cottage while piles of paperwork remain on our kitchen table and we anticipate our Colombian home study to be completed any day. After it is received, we will complete our dossier to be sent to Colombia, then anxiously await our travel date. Along with paperwork, phone calls and emails, our days are filled with education on our little guy's special needs and a lot of nesting for this momma. THANK YOU to our village who has walked with us on this broken, yet beautiful path. Your continued prayers are most appreciated as we desire nothing more than for God to be glorified through this journey. Please continue to be in prayer for the following:
- Our preparation for parenting
- Our kiddos' spiritual, physical, and emotional health 
- For those in Haiti and Colombia caring for our babies
- For the Haiti matching process to continue to progress as we wait for a referral
- God's provision and the grant writing process. We are taking a huge step of faith, knowing that our God is able. God has provided $30,000 of the estimated $75,000 needed in order to bring our babies home. Please prayerfully consider helping support us financially. You can make a donation by going to or in order for your gift to be tax deductible.  

Worship in Waiting: 
"Look and See" The Village Church
"This I Believe (The Creed)" Hillsong Worship

Friday, March 17, 2017

Mile 20

Years of preparation. Months of training. Hours of chats with my running bud. Miles and miles full of tears, funnies, prayers, worship, lots of H2O and Goo, potty emergencies... a stress fracture, soreness, pain, and too many highs and lows to count. And there we were... completing our first full marathon. At a comfortable pace and without any stopping, we were about 3 and a half hours into our run. I was feeling strong, confident, unstoppable... until... Mile 20. While my body continued it's robotic movement, my mind began to wander from focus. I started thinking about why I was even doing this... how much my feet and legs really hurt... how I wanted to stop... could I really finish without stopping or walking once... BUT at that point, the idea of stopping hurt worse than the idea of continuing the rhythm that my body had been in for over 3 hours. The "battle of the brain" continued, then it happened... complete PANIC. I struggled to catch my breath while my heart beat almost out of my chest. I had hit "the wall".  

Years of preparation. Months of training. Hours of chats with social workers. Days and days full of tears, funnies, prayer, worship... and too many highs and lows to count. And here we are at what feels like... Mile 20. We are completely exhausted emotionally and physically at this point of the process. We knew it would not be easy, but we also didn't know it would be this hard. We still have so many questions and not many answers. Although we have come so far, we still have a ways to go. BUT we cannot and we will not stop. 

It was at Mile 20 where I learned and truly experienced the power of perseverance. While one foot continued in front of the other at pace, I took several long, deep breaths, then told my self out loud multiple times... "one step at a time". Instead of thinking about the distance that remained and the difficulty of each incline and turn, I forced myself to focus on the "present pavement" that lie below each step of my worn out running shoes. It was at this point, I was able to return to easy breathing and a peaceful pace while enjoying the people and places surrounding me at each mile, each moment, each step.

Perseverance... "steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty"  

If you are not presently in a "mile 20 moment" or just recently broke through "the wall" of mile 20, you will eventually find your self there. The "battle of the brain" will cause your mind to wander, lose focus and may even result in complete panic. Don't stop, friends. Take a deep breath and know you are not alone. As you continue to put one foot in front of the other at a peaceful pace, force yourself to focus on the beauty of people and places surrounding you on the journey. See your tribe who has chosen to keep pace with you and let them experience the pain and the joy of the "present pavement". One. Step. At. A. Time.

Romans 5:1-5 "Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Through him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God. Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us."

Peace > Perseverance > Purpose > Confidence > Character > HOPE

So... while we wait to break through "the wall" of Mile 20, please continue to pray. You have chosen to join us on this journey and because of that, we continue to be truly grateful and humbled by the love and support shown for our little family. Your continued prayers are most appreciated as we desire nothing more than for God to be glorified through this journey. Please continue to be in prayer for the following:
- Our preparation for parenting
- Our kiddos' spiritual, physical, and emotional health 
- For those in Haiti and Colombia caring for our little loves
- God's provision. We are taking a huge step of faith, knowing that our God is able. Please prayerfully consider helping support us financially. You can make a donation by going to or in order for your gift to be tax deductible.  

James 1:2-4 "Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing."

1 Corinthians 15:58 "Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain." 

Lamentations 3:22-23 "The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning, great is your faithfulness."

Hebrews 12:1-2 "Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God."

Worship in Waiting:
"Through and Through" United Pursuit/Will Reagan
"Girl On Fire" Alicia Keys (One of my "go to" running song for not just hitting "the wall", BUT crushing it!!!) 

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Never. Forget.

As I sit snuggled in my favorite Alabama sweatshirt, a hot cup of creamer with a bit of coffee, my pup curled up beside me, the sunlight bringing the Cooper Cottage to life while also exposing a bit of dust in quite a few places, missing my hubby while he is away at work and counting down the hours until he comes through the door, I am quite distracted by a picture of a beautiful baby boy with big eyes and a sweet, sweet, sweet smile. As I look at his picture while surrounded by “stones of remembrance” throughout our “Peace Place”, I hear the sweet Spirit of my God say to my soul, “Never forget”. 

Never forget.  

Never forget those dark days full of questions, doubts, fear, anxiety, brokenness, loneliness, shame, guilt, jealousy, anger. Never forget how words said to you, though unintentional, still hurt. Never forget the lies that were believed. Never forget the tears and the 2:00 A.M. voices in your head. Never forget. 


My Heavenly Father was and remains WITH ME. He is sovereign over ALL things. His ways are greater. He works ALL things for my good and for His glory. He sees me and intimately pursues me. He is able and always faithful. He is my peace, the Giver of grace. He is my hope and my ultimate and only answer. He is where I find complete fulfillment and ultimate JOY. 

REMEMBER… Because His Spirit lives within me. Because His love never fails. And because His Word is alive.


“And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don’t know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words. And the Father who knows all hearts knows what the Spirit is saying, for the Spirit pleads for us believers[a] in harmony with God’s own will.” Romans 8:26-27

“She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.” Proverbs 31:25

“The Lord is my strength and my shield.” Psalm 28:7

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

“She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.” Proverbs 31:26

“Don’t worry about anything, instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done.” Philippians 4:6-8

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not onto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path.” Proverbs 3:5-6

“You are beautiful for you are fearfully and wonderfully made.” Psalm 139:14

“Be strong. Be Brave. Be fearless. You are never alone.” Joshua 1:9

“Mightier than the waves of the sea is His love for you.” Psalm 93:4

“Perhaps this is the moment for which you have been created.” Esther 4:14

“And in Christ you have been brought to fullness.” Colossians 2:10

“Declare over yourself: ‘God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind.’” 2 Timothy 1:7

“For I know the plans I have for you.” Jeremiah 29:11

“The Lord will fight for you, you need only to be still.” Exodus 14:14

“I will never leave you or forsake you.” Joshua 1:5

“You are altogether beautiful, my darling, beautiful in every way.” Song of Solomon 4:7   

As I glance back over to the picture of our "gift of grace", our beautiful baby boy with his big, dark eyes smiling back at me, I am humbled how God has used his little life to already teach me so much about Him and His heart. ONLY. OUR. GOD. can take our sorrow and turn it into a song - a song of gratitude for what He has done as a result of the darkest of days.  

We continue on this incredible, messy, scary, beautiful journey of adoption each day singing our song… OUT. LOUD… along with “our village” - a tribe of over 500 people from 28 different states and 5 countries! THANK YOU to everyone who has had a part in bringing our little loves home. MUCH progress has been made in a very short amount of time, and we are daily checking things off of the list and are looking forward to the countdown to Colombia... then, Haiti! You are SO loved, little Valentines! 

Never. Forget. 

But… Remember.

Respond... in gratitude and worship. 

Then, join with others on their journey and together, sing OUT LOUD the songs that were written in the secret places of sorrow or shame by a God that restores, rescues and redeems.

"...that's what love does. It pursues blindly, unflinchingly and without end." - Love Does