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"Enjoys interacting with others. Loves music." - words beside the face of a sweet baby boy with the biggest brown eyes. Loves people and music?! Jared and I knew almost instantly that we were looking at the face of OUR baby boy. It was after yet another phone call with 1 of our 2 social workers that we learned that this little boy was diagnosed with Williams Syndrome. We were both unfamiliar with the disorder, so we immediately started to do research and confide in family and close friends, especially those who serve and are also parents to children with special needs. The day we received his file, I immediately texted my sister and asked her to meet me at the nearest Starbucks. As I sat across from her, she sipped her coffee anticipating a picture of the little one that would make her Aunt Mal Mal. When I showed her his picture, she smiled so big as even bigger tears began to fall from both of our eyes. I then went on to tell her more about him and his diagnosis. Being in the speech and language pathology field, I was interested to know if she knew much about WS. When I told her, she simply responded with the words... "eternally sunny", which is how one of her professors defined WS, and she had never forgotten it.
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"Approximately one in every 10,000 people worldwide lives with Williams syndrome, according to the Williams Syndrome Association. The rare genetic condition is characterized by learning difficulties and developmental delays as well as medical complications like cardiovascular disease. But people with the condition also tend to be highly social, kindhearted and have affinities for language and music." according to Rachel Kassenbrock who goes on to share what families and individuals living with WS really want others to know. (article: What It's Like Living With Williams Syndrome )
- “Individuals with Williams syndrome can teach us all that despite their struggles, they manage to smile and enjoy life. [That’s] something a lot of people forget. People with Williams syndrome have the most contagious smile and a zest for life that most people lack.” — Sylvia Navarro
- “You will never meet another person like someone with Williams syndrome. [These people] are… the brightest souls on earth with the biggest hearts.” — Tammy Barry
- “Not all individuals with Williams syndrome are the same. They are all unique and have a wide range of abilities. Their personalities and behavior vary.” — Jessica Fountain Peterson
- “The sunshine and sincere, genuine love for life and for people that radiate in individuals with Williams syndrome is indescribable.” — Erin Kaplan Rupolo
- “The most difficult challenges will be far outmatched by the greatest rewards they bring into your life. Every accomplishment and milestone is met with immeasurable joy that you would never experience with anyone else. They will surprise you with their love, generosity and happiness when you least expect it, and you will be infected by it.” — Richard A Williams Jr.
- “My son has such a true deep love for people, sometimes after only knowing them a few minutes. I wish more ‘typically developing’ people were the same. Can you imagine the peace and joy that would fill the world?” — Maggie Garrison
- “Williams syndrome is a complex collection of heartbreak, heart-busting joy, extreme physical and cognitive challenges and amazing talent. [People with Williams syndrome are] extraordinary human beings with such profound capacity to love and ability to express happiness that the strangers around them often stop in their tracks and smile.” — Nancy Paslay
- “[Many people with Williams syndrome] have great memory skills, crave and excel with a set routine, love any and all get togethers because it nurtures their huge social side. The world is a much better place because of them.” — Marianne Mepham Newton
- “Don’t think [Williams syndrome] is the end of the world. It’s the beginning of a long adventure.” — Delores Carr
"You are My Sunshine" and "Can't Stop the Feeling" have become tunes daily sang and danced to around the Cooper Cottage as we continue to be so humbled and honored to have the privilege of stewarding this sweet soul, that he may experience the glory and unconditional love of our Heavenly Father who knit him together, fearfully and wonderfully. Our God has always known him and sees him even now. He is sovereign over our sweet boy's little life as He continues to orchestrate all things for his good and His glory. My sweet, little sunshine, you were wished for, longed for, prayed for and wanted.
"You have given me a greater JOY..." Psalm 4:7
We began this adoption journey over 2 and a half years ago, and it's been almost 7 months since we received the call about our baby boy in Colombia. Since then, we have been busy with MORE paperwork and overwhelmed by yes, MORE and MORE fees. YET, our God remains faithful and our tribe supportive as each day is just one more day closer to bringing BOTH of our babies HOME. We are currently still waiting on one final paper before the Colombian process can continue and a travel date can be given. However, we remain hopeful that we will meet our little guy very soon and have him home before the holidays while also with much anticipation hoping to receive an official referral from Haiti any day now. Your continued prayers are most appreciated as we desire nothing more than for God to be glorified through this journey. Please continue be in prayer for the following:
"You have given me a greater JOY..." Psalm 4:7
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We began this adoption journey over 2 and a half years ago, and it's been almost 7 months since we received the call about our baby boy in Colombia. Since then, we have been busy with MORE paperwork and overwhelmed by yes, MORE and MORE fees. YET, our God remains faithful and our tribe supportive as each day is just one more day closer to bringing BOTH of our babies HOME. We are currently still waiting on one final paper before the Colombian process can continue and a travel date can be given. However, we remain hopeful that we will meet our little guy very soon and have him home before the holidays while also with much anticipation hoping to receive an official referral from Haiti any day now. Your continued prayers are most appreciated as we desire nothing more than for God to be glorified through this journey. Please continue be in prayer for the following:
- Our relationship and preparation for parenting
- Our kiddo's spiritual, physical, and emotional health
- For those in Haiti and Colombia caring for our kiddos
- Colombian dossier to be completed, approved and travel date given quickly
- Haiti referral to be received soon
- Colombian dossier to be completed, approved and travel date given quickly
- Haiti referral to be received soon
- God's provision. We are taking a huge step of faith, knowing that our God is able. Please prayerfully consider helping support us financially. Of the $70,000-$80,000 needed in order to complete both adoptions, we have raised and saved about $35,000. You can make a donation by going to https://www.gofundme.com/cooperadoptionfund or https://www.purecharity.com/cooper-babies-adoption-fund in order for your gift to be tax deductible.
Worship (and Dancing) in Waiting:
"Wonder" Hillsong UNITED
"Can't Stop the Feeling" Justin Timberlake
Worship (and Dancing) in Waiting:
"Wonder" Hillsong UNITED
"Can't Stop the Feeling" Justin Timberlake