Thursday, October 19, 2017

Prescription of GRACE

R... ummm... S... T... I think... L... Yep... N... E????

Nope, I wasn't watching an episode of "Wheel of Fortune", but instead, I was guessing the lovely letters on the chart while recently visiting the eye doctor. I left the office that day not only with a prescription and fancy frames, but with a new perspective after the Holy Spirit sweetly met with me in that dimly lit room. 

I see what I see, right? I did not know anything different until... my eyes were tested. Not until they were challenged a bit did I realize what I had been missing. Our perspectives are different, because our stories are developed by our unique experiences. Culture, season of life, family, our stuff, education, relationships, career - ALL we know and ALL we do not know effects our perspective. How we SEE others and our world is unique and impacted not only by our experiences, but also our relationship with our God who desires for us to see clearly through His "prescription" of GRACE. This prescription is a privilege - not earned or obtained by anything we have done or could ever do. WHO we see is more important than HOW we see, friends. Our perspectives are different, because we each wear a different set of "glasses" gifted to us by a God who desires to adjust our lenses, so that we can see what HE SEES. Our eyes are insufficient which is why we need this "prescription" of GRACE, so that our vision can be empowered only by eternity. May we choose to humbly listen to others with different lenses, so that we can learn, know, grow and ultimately, truly SEE as God sees that we may live and love in a way so others may experience this AMAZING GRACE. 

ADOPTION UPDATE: I have been anxiously awaiting to make my first entry in the journal above. It was a gift for my birthday, and I told myself that I would begin to bullet my thoughts and prayers in it when we booked our plane tickets to Bogota. And today was the day, friends! We are headed to Bogota to bring our baby boy HOME super soon! From the pic below, you can see that this momma is not the only one with new glasses. I can't even handle all of the sweetness in that sweater and those little hands that have completely stolen our hearts. 

Your continued prayers are most appreciated as we desire nothing more than for God to be glorified through this journey. We are grateful that God not only hears our prayers, but answers them. My sister has created a Prayer Wall for our village to partner with us while we prepare for travel and our time in country. To sign up for a day to commit to pray for our little family, simply click here: Cooper Prayer Wall

Please be in prayer for the following:
- Our relationship and preparation for parenting 
- Our kiddo's spiritual, physical, and emotional health 
- For those in Haiti and Colombia caring for our kiddos
- Haiti referral to be received soon. Again, we have not been officially matched with a child in Haiti YET, but are anticipating an official match soon.
- Colombia travel plans and time in country. We will be living in Colombia for about a month while the adoption is being finalized. 
- God's provision. We are taking a huge step of faith, knowing that our God is able. Please prayerfully consider helping support us financially. Of the $70,000-$80,000 needed in order to complete both adoptions, we have raised and saved about $45,000. You can make a donation by going to or in order for your gift to be tax deductible. OR purchase HAITI BEADS!!! Over the past year, we have SOLD OVER 1,200 bracelets to help support our adoption, and so many continue to ask about them. Again, these beauties are just $10 each and handmade in Haiti! Not only will your purchase help this mommy and daddy bring their little loves HOME from Haiti and Colombia, but will also empower mommies and daddies in Haiti to care for their children with hope and dignity. We know our God is working in our waiting, and we continue to be humbled by our tribe that continues to love and support us in this journey. (comment, message, text or email to order. $3 shipping)

"Father, help me to continue to SEE the GOOD in the "not knowing"... the JOY in the "in-between"... the MEANING in the "meantime." AMEN

Worship in Waiting:
"Out of Hiding" Steffany Gretzinger
"You Are My Vision" Rend Collective