Thursday, August 23, 2018

One Step at a Time

I close my eyes, even today... and in my mind, I take each step... one at a time, up the rocky road, towards the creche to pick up baby boy for the day. The walk from the guesthouse to the creche is steep, haunting, humbling... and truly symbolic of our journey. The sounds, smells and sights of Haiti continue to fill my senses even after so many days of being home. Silas offers fist bumps to each armed security guard as we pass through the green gate multiple times each day. "Mum Mum Mum! PaPa PaPa Papa!" is yelled through the courtyard by so many kiddos, because they know WHY we are there. My fingers are sticky and the smell of paint strong as a result of furniture, walls and doors being painted, once again, by previous mission teams. The mango is perfection, and the traditional pumpkin soup is delicious, becoming a Cooper family favorite. Waking up to the smell of bacon was the best, and each morning, I was grateful for the "little coffee maker that could". Because the compound sits at such high elevation, the clouds roll in through the windows early in the mornings and late in the afternoons most days. A sound machine app is a must most nights in order to distract from the loud music, motorcycles, baby cries and what seemed like chaos in the streets... unless there was a rainstorm, of course. My sweet Jared played the ukulele, and we sang and danced to pass the time. Those long, but sweet days as a family of 4... Those scary, but sacred nights when we would sing, laugh, cry and pray... I will forever treasure and remember as moments where our good Father held us extra tight and taught us even more about HIS GOODNESS and GRACE.

THANK YOU for being a part of “our village” and joining us on this incredible, messy, scary, beautiful journey that has taken us from a family of 2, to a family of 3, and now a family of 4. Goodness... how our God has gone before us and literally carried us over the past almost 4 years! I am constantly attempting to put into words the “hills and valleys” of our journey since traveling to Bogota and now Haiti, but sometimes struggle to communicate what my head and heart know and have experienced. But our God remains faithful as we continue to navigate the “hills and valleys” of this journey making joy available to us along the way. I have learned that some stories are just unable to be completely told with written words, but are instead felt so deeply they are best told face to face while sharing the same space. Like a campfire or kitchen table... they create an environment for intimacy, transparency and openness - an opportunity to gather and truly connect. So, y'all c’mon over to the Cooper Cottage and gather around my kitchen table. Let’s talk life and share our stories over coffee or tea. The crisp, fall air will be here soon, so let’s gather around a campfire and be truly present and in the moment while losing count of the s’mores eaten. You tell your stories, and I'll tell mine, friend. Your story. My story. The highs and lows. Chapter after chapter. Seasons of change and growth. It makes us who we are and who God created us to be. All for our good and His glory. Although all different and unique, our stories allow us to connect with each other and ultimately, encourage and inspire. Yes, the good, the bad, the ugly - each chapter of our journey can be used for His Kingdom. Let the Author write as we choose JOY in the journey. 

GUESS WHAT, FRIENDS?!?!? THE BEADS ARE BACK!!!!! Remember the 1,800 paper bead bracelets y’all purchased to support our adoption almost 2 years ago?! While in Haiti, we had the opportunity to visit Apparent Project and meet the incredible people behind those GIVE BACK BEAUTIES. Your WEARING and SHARING not only impacted our family, friends... but multiple families in Haiti. Because of the political unrest happening in Haiti while we were there a few weeks ago, many mission teams canceled their trips. Organizations like AP thrive on mission teams coming to serve and shop, so we want to continue to show our love and support, especially during this time. These beauties are just $10 each ($4 shipping) and handmade in Haiti! Not only will your purchase help this mommy and daddy bring their little love home from Haiti, but will also empower mommies and daddies in Haiti to care for their children with hope and dignity. We know our God is working in our waiting, and we continue to be humbled and completely overwhelmed by our tribe that continues to love and support us in this journey. 150 MORE bracelets arrived TODAY from Haiti!!! Comment, message, text, or email to order. You can purchase via (send to,, mail a check... OR we can meet up for coffee... and curbside pick up is always an option, friends. 

If you haven't already, please take a few minutes to watch this video! It's amazing that these beauties are made from cereal boxes and clay. 1 cereal box can make about 50 beads, and they go through 400 boxes per day! The clay beads are hand-rolled and dried in the sun before painted. Grateful that HE makes ALL things NEW.

Worship in Waiting:
"He Who is Mighty" Sovereign Grace
"So Will I" Hillsong

Sunday, May 20, 2018


Over 3 and a half years ago, God chose Haiti for us, and although we remained confident in His plan, nothing could have prepared us for the hills and valleys we would encounter along the journey. We have never forgotten our sweet baby in Haiti and neither has our Father, friends. Instead, we have carried the weight of the wait trusting that our God is ultimately sovereign over our little family. It has now been a little over six months since we met our sweet Silas - our sweet sunshine sent to us from our Father to simply sustain us on this journey now full of lots of giggles, hugs and kisses. 

“For the Lord your God is living among you. He is a Mighty Savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With His love, He will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.” Zephaniah 3:17

We are beyond excited and humbled to share with you that we have been OFFICIALLY MATCHED with a sweet baby boy in Haiti!!! The Haiti adoption process requires two trips with the first being the socialization trip where we will spend two weeks in Haiti getting to know our son. After nine to twelve months, we will then return in order to bring him home. Haiti does allow for us to visit up to two times in between the two required trips if finances allow. 

$75,000... the amount needed in order to complete both adoptions from Haiti and Colombia. It is only because of our God and His people, that we have been able to get this far. Our hearts are heavy and burdened by the remaining $20,000 needed in order to travel and ultimately, bring Silas's baby brother home. BUT... we know that God will finish what he has started. The remaining amount needed covers travel expenses and final process/childcare fees that go to the orphanage where our child is being cared for. Our socialization trip is scheduled for JULY; however, we need at least $10,000 over the next 4-5 weeks to be able to travel, friends.

The thought of asking anyone for anything at this point is extremely difficult for us. BUT... we know that our God is the owner of it all, and the money needed is just paper to Him. We are continuing to research and apply for grants, knowing that our GOD IS ABLE. Because grants are not always a guarantee, we are also giving you the opportunity to TAG THE BAG. For every donation of $10 or MORE, we will write your name inside this suitcase that Silas will be taking on his trips to Haiti. You can make your donation by going to (send to, or in order for your gift to be tax deductible. 

So many of you have chosen to join us on this journey and because of that, we continue to be truly grateful and humbled by the love and support shown for our little family. Your continued prayers are most appreciated as we desire nothing more than for God to be glorified through this journey. Please be in prayer for the following:
- Silas's and baby boy's spiritual, physical, and emotional health 
- For those in Haiti caring for our son
- Travel
- God's provision

Thursday, May 3, 2018

& to Think... We Could Have Missed This

I took a deep breath and unplugged the little Christmas tree in Silas's room. It took me a second to allow reality to truly sink in, because the next time the little camping themed Christmas tree was lit... he would be HOME. After we loaded our luggage into the car, I grabbed my backpack and quickly, Jared's hand. The trip to the airport seemed to take forever as Mal, Zach, Jared and I tried to make small talk; but in my head and heart, a million questions, concerns, and yet, confidence as the tears began to well up in my eyes. We arrived at the airport, unloaded at the curb, then my little sister wrapped her arms around my neck as I wrapped my arms around her sweet, round 7 month pregnant belly. She took my face into her hands and through her own tears, said, "Morgan, I don't know if I could do this; but you, you can do this. God built you for this. And, I know you are going to be an amazing mommy." 

2 months later...

It is Christmas Eve, and we have all come to Mallory and Zach's house for dinner. Silas was busy playing with the wrapping paper from previously opened gifts and was quite entertained, so I decided to take a second to help Mal in any way that I could. I found her in her bedroom, attempting to feed my sweet nephew, Redic, who had just arrived only 5 days before. She had a million questions, concerns, and yet was confident as the tears began to well up in her eyes. I walked over to her and through my own tears and a few giggles, I said, " Mal, I don't know if I could do this; but you, you can do this. God built you for this. And you are already an amazing mommy."

Over the past year, God has used the miracle of our baby boys to teach us so much about Him and His heart. She grew bigger while my countdown to Colombia grew smaller. We continue to learn so much from each other through laughs, fears, tears and tough talks filled with LOTS of GRACE. The past year could have looked extremely different for us and our friendship if we would have chosen to focus on the differences in our journey to motherhood. However, because of GRACE... LOTS of GRACE, we chose to embrace the difficulty in the differences which has resulted in an experience that only our sweet God could have orchestrated. We could have missed this...

Why do we choose to let our differences divide us? Why are we intimidated by a different perspective or path? Why do we use our gifts or experiences as an opportunity to elevate or disqualify ourselves instead of an opportunity to learn and educate others? Why do we "worship" the gifts instead of the Giver of every good gift? I have learned to become comfortable with being uncomfortable, because it is there, where my faith is fashioned, and my God is glorified. Because He has created us for community, let’s learn to embrace the difficulty in the differences, and journey with each other anyways. As I navigate this new season of motherhood, I have spent a lot of time thinking about what ultimately defines a woman... and for me... the answer is not motherhood. It's simple... CONFIDENCE in her CREATOR. Whether she is single, married, gives birth to many babies or none, breastfeeds her babies or not, works, doesn’t work, thick, thin, rich, poor, white, brown, black, old, young. CONFIDENT and COURAGEOUS women who carry each other; and in humility, love each other and challenge each other to be their very best while sharing stories and journeying together. NO competitions. NO comparisons. Just iron sharpening iron. On mission together, to KNOW HIM and MAKE HIM KNOWN. Choosing JOY in the JOURNEY.

Because Mother's Day is just right around the corner, I have asked Mal to write alongside and share her journey also in order to truly show how we are ALL more alike than different.. as women, mamas, sisters, friends, and children of God. 

To our boys, Silas and Redic...

the waiting MOM:
We waited for you for many, many years, but only knew about you for about ten months. For those ten months, I obsessed over the few pictures and one video I had. I was very busy with lots of paperwork, appointments, and social worker meetings while fundraising in order to pay agency and travel expenses needed in order to bring you home. I anticipated an official travel date and waited anxiously for the process to be approved. 

Daddy and I always knew we wanted a baby one day, but we were so surprised when we saw that + staring us in the face. I was so excited, but all I could think about was your Aunt Morgan. She and Uncle Jared had been wanting a baby for so long, and they were still waiting to go get cousin Silas. You see, Aunt Morgan and I have always been best friends. She protected me, and I protected her. A few months before we knew about you, she and Uncle Jared met your cousin, Silas, but they had to wait a long time until they could be with him. I knew Aunt Morgan would be so happy and excited to meet you. But I was still very anxious to tell her.  You were a sweet secret between me and Daddy for about 10 weeks and then we started telling our family about you! I bought t-shirts for me and Aunt Morgan that said “Best Auntie Ever” because I knew that we were going to be the best moms and aunts to you and Silas. As you can imagine, Aunt Morgan flipped out, Nay and Grammy cried, Granddaddy smirked, and Pop left to go to Dollar General because he didn’t want anyone to see him cry. From the very beginning, you were loved.

the expecting MOM: 
I helped daddy choose your name and nested in your room. I packed suitcases and played a guessing game with what size clothes, shoes and diapers to bring. I fell more in love with your sweet face and big brown eyes with every Skype date every Friday morning and learned as much Spanish as possible. I decorated for Christmas in October as we prepared to live in Colombia for the entire month of November. I was scared the day would never come that I would actually get to hold you in my arms and call you mine. I gave everyone the same answer when asked the same questions, but was grateful every time they asked about you, because it gave me hope. 

I went to doctor’s appointment after doctor’s appointment and lost count of how many times I had to potty in a cup! But hearing your heartbeat and seeing you grow made it so worth it. Against my better judgment, I googled way too many things, and my belly grew bigger and bigger. It wasn’t long before there was no denying that you were well on your way. Lots of people would ask me when you were coming, and I would always say, “He’ll be here at Christmas!” hoping in my heart that that was true and that Silas would be home too. I decorated your room while Daddy and I disagreed on your name for the longest time. I’m so thankful for your daddy though. I sat up many, many nights feeling you move inside of me but so worried that something was going to happen to you, scared that I was not going to be able to do this. But every little kick, every little hiccup, was a welcomed reminder that God was faithful and that gave me hope. 

the new MOM:
We navigated a different culture as best as we knew how with you in our arms. We  made it to our appointments on time...barely, and approached bedtime and mealtime the best way we knew how. We walked to the market and spent a lot of time at the park. You rocked your first international flight and the night you met part of our village, was a dream come true. You are navigating new spaces and places like a rockstar making friends wherever you go while I am learning to go with the new "flow". Our time since returning home has been full of time with the tribe, lots of doctor appointments and therapy sessions. You are learning new things and surprising us every, single day.

Our lives changed in an instant. During our first night together, I remember looking at your dad and saying, “Now what?” We felt clueless, but knew that God had given you specifically to us. The first few days were filled with us navigating this whole “eat, sleep, poop” routine. Sounds simple, right? Wrong. Something that is supposedly so natural continues to be one of the hardest things I have ever done. But through our uncertainty and lots and lots of support from others, you were and still are the best baby. Since Day 1, you have slept and eaten like a champ. You bring such joy to everyone you share your smile with, and every day with you is a gift.

being MOM:
Being your mom has been the greatest, most humbling gift. It has taught me so much about myself and because of you, I want to be the best I can be. The anticipation and expectation of life with you is so much more than I ever could have imagined or hoped for. You challenge me and encourage me to smile bigger, dream brighter, run faster, dance longer, sing louder and also create, love, and serve smaller, deeper, quieter. I am no better or no less, because God chose me to be your second mom; instead, I simply have a responsibility to steward your sweet soul, asking God for wisdom daily as I navigate your needs and disciple you as you grow. I am so grateful and humbled that God chose me to be your forever mama, my sweet sunshine boy. 

Redic James, you’ve changed my life forever. As a little girl, I always worried about if I would be able to read my baby a bedtime story, talk with his teachers and doctors, and basically, be a good mom because I stuttered. But now that you’re here, at the end of every day, I swaddle you tight and look at your sweet face and think, “Wow, God did this.” So I know he will remain faithful. I always want to be your voice of encouragement, pushing you to be the best you can be. I pray that God will teach you those same principles of redemption and grace that he taught me. You make my life richer and sweeter. I am so thankful that God chose me to be your mama.

We always knew we wanted to be mommies, well... because we wanted to be just like OUR mommy. Happy Mother's Day to you, NAY! And THANK YOU, Mama, for being such an incredible support to both of us in such unique, sweet ways while on this journey and for also choosing JOY in the journey! We have had friends tell us what good mamas we are, and to that we say, "Thanks... We get it from OUR MAMA."

To ALL WOMEN... mamas, sisters, friends, and children of God: 
"Dear sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing. If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and He will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. But when you ask him, be sure that your faith is in God alone. Do not waver, for a person with divided loyalty is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is blown and tossed by the wind. Such people should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Their loyalty is divided between God and the world, and they are unstable in everything they do. Believers who are poor have something to boast about, for God has honored them. And those who are rich should boast that God has humbled them. They will fade away like a little flower in the field. The hot sun rises and the grass withers; the little flower droops and falls, and its beauty fades away. In the same way, the rich will fade away with all of their achievements. God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation. Afterward they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him. And remember, when you are being tempted, do not say, “God is tempting me.” God is never tempted to do wrong, and He never tempts anyone else. Temptation comes from our own desires, which entice us and drag us away. These desires give birth to sinful actions. And when sin is allowed to grow, it gives birth to death. So don’t be misled, my dear sisters. Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow. He chose to give birth to us by giving us his true word. And we, out of all creation, became his prized possession. Understand this, my dear sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry. Human anger does not produce the righteousness God desires. So get rid of all the filth and evil in your lives, and humbly accept the word God has planted in your hearts, for it has the power to save your souls. But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves. For if you listen to the word and don’t obey, it is like glancing at your face in a mirror. You see yourself, walk away, and forget what you look like. But if you look carefully into the perfect law that sets you free, and if you do what it says and don’t forget what you heard, then God will bless you for doing it. If you claim to be religious but don’t control your tongue, you are fooling yourself, and your religion is worthless. Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you." (JAMES 1)

Again, God created us for community, so let’s learn to embrace the difficulty in the differences, and journey with each other anyways, friends. Our journey to motherhood was different, but the Giver of our precious gifts, the same. Mal and I continue to be humbled by the lessons we are learning and the perspective we have gained... And to think, we could have missed this. 

Worship in Waiting: 

Thursday, February 1, 2018

3 years & 30 blogposts later...

This... friends, is blogpost #30 after 3 years ago today, posting my very first blog and inviting you to join us on this journey to bring our baby home from Haiti. This week also marks 13 weeks since we met our sweet Silas in Bogota, Colombia. THANK YOU for being a part of “our village” and joining us on this incredible, messy, scary, beautiful journey that has taken us from a family of 2, to a family of 3, and now a family of 4. Goodness... how our God has gone before us and literally carried us over the past 3 years!  

I have been attempting to put into words the “hills and valleys” of our journey since traveling to Bogota and since being home, but have been unable to truly communicate what my head and heart know and have experienced; and what my Father has taught us about Himself and His heart. He remains faithful as we continue to navigate the “hills and valleys” of this journey making joy available to us along the way. I have learned that some stories are just unable to be completely told with written words, but are instead felt so deeply they are best told face to face while sharing the same space. Like a campfire or kitchen table... they create an environment for intimacy, transparency and openness - an opportunity to gather and truly connect. However, once we have both babies home, we might just have to write a book in order to get all of these incredible stories printed on paper and in one place to truly tell of HIS AMAZING GRACE. 

Haiti babe UPDATE: We are still advocating for an official match with a little guy who is 16 months younger than Silas. I can't imagine anything better than built-in best friends, right?! Please continue to pray for our agency, social workers and partners on the ground who are working daily with the Haiti Matching Committee to ethically provide families for so many children in need. 

We met our sweet Silas 13 weeks ago and truly did not realize that it was possible to experience this much JOY. Our time since returning home has been full of not only holiday festivities and time with our tribe, but also doctor appointments and therapy evaluations. As his mommy and daddy, we are humbled to have been chosen to steward this sweet, sunshine boy and daily pray for continued wisdom as we navigate our brave boy’s needs and continue to learn more about him every, single day. He is strong and determined as he tries new things and has transitioned beautifully. Silas has been navigating new faces and places like a rockstar making new friends wherever we go. Goodness, what a gift of GRACE he is! Since it's been 13 weeks, I thought I would share 13 fun facts about SILAS REDDING COOPER:

1. always scrunches his nose when he smiles
2. obsessed with buttons, lights, door stoppers and music
3. favorite time is bath time, because he LOVES the water
4. cannot sleep without his black and white blankie
5. yogurt, smoothies, milkshakes and mangoes are his favorite foods
6. waves to everyone and claps for everything 
7. his belly laugh will make you laugh 
8. vocabulary includes - "dada", "yeah", "wow", and started saying "mama" just this week!
9. enjoys finger painting and chatting with his friend he finds in his reflection
10. his musical instruments are his absolute favorite toys, because... well, NOISE! 
11. collects all of his favorite small toys on the windowsill daily 
12. favorite books are The Brave Little Camper and God Knows All About Me
13. has definitely mastered blowing kisses and the perfect squeeze for a hug 

We are truly humbled and honored to have the privilege of stewarding these sweet souls, that they may experience the glory and unconditional love of our Heavenly Father who knit them together, fearfully and wonderfully. He has always known them and sees them even now. Whether growing in our hearts while waiting or even after bringing them home, God remains sovereign over their little lives as He orchestrates all things for their good and His glory. The following is not only true for our babies, friends, but also true for me and you. Take a moment and breathe in TRUTH - He has always known us and sees us even now. 

"O Lord, you have examined my heart and know everything about me. You know when I sit down or stand up. You know my thoughts even when I’m far away. You see me when I travel and when I rest at home. You know everything I do. You know what I am going to say even before I say it, Lord. You go before me and follow me. You place your hand of blessing on my head. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too great for me to understand! I can never escape from your Spirit! I can never get away from your presence! If I go up to heaven, You are there; if I go down to the grave, You are there. If I ride the wings of the morning, if I dwell by the farthest oceans, even there Your hand will guide me, and Your strength will support me. I could ask the darkness to hide me and the light around me to become night— but even in darkness I cannot hide from You. To You the night shines as bright as day. Darkness and light are the same to you. You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. Thank You for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it. You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb. You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in Your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. How precious are Your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered! I can’t even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand! And when I wake up, You are still with me!" (Psalm 139:1-18)

Worship in Waiting: 
"Make A Way" I Am They
"Hills & Valleys" Tauren Wells