Friday, June 30, 2017

Airplane Mode

So much to say, but so few words can be found these days, friends. When we started this journey of adoption over 2 and half years ago and even before then, navigating my thoughts seemed so simple. However, in recent weeks and even months, my thoughts and feelings are extremely conflicted as I wrestle to get them beyond the "battle of the brain" and on to paper. Even as I type now... there is struggle where there has never really been before. Maybe it's the conflict of the known vs the unknown. hope vs doubt. joy vs grief. time moving fast vs time not moving fast enough. provision vs need. predictability vs flexibility. sweet peace vs worry. trust vs fear. rest vs restlessness. purpose vs panic. and so on... 

It seems that the present moment has become a sacred, sweet spot for me - an opportunity to silence every other thought and allow the Holy Spirit to remind me over and over again what I know to be TRUE from HIS Word. My struggle with the present is that it is not permanent. Chapters are concluded. Moments become memories. Seasons are here, then gone. I am learning so much about the importance of the present while fulfilling my purpose and while preparing for the days ahead. Each step we take today will determine our tomorrow and together, will define our journey. 

Monday... 4:30 a.m. alarm. Plexus pink drink and a protein bar. Comfy clothes and shoes. Backpack full of water, snacks and tp (just in case). My 2 favorite guys. AND... AIRPLANE MODE. We headed to the trail, parked and by 6:00 a.m. were walking through the woods in the dark anticipating the sunrise as we began our 6 mile hike to the top of Mt. Leconte. This was our third time to the top together with the last two times being over a decade ago. I knew what to expect with each step, but did not expect each step to speak so deeply into my soul. As we began, I was pumped with major pep in each step while crossing bridges, climbing through caves, soaking in the sights, and chatting with the boys. Then, as the sun begin to expose the beauty around us, it seemed to also expose the beauty of our story. My thoughts overwhelmed me as I literally saw each step of our journey with each physical step I took. Through tears, I followed my husband's quick and sure steps as he followed the narrow trail thinking to myself over and over again that I would follow that amazing man anywhere, because I know he is committed to this journey and the path chosen for us. Then, listening to my daddy not too far behind of course, making jokes and making me laugh each step of the way. Knowing that he, along with so many others, are behind me supporting and following us on the journey. Goodness... how grateful I am for each person who is journeying with us.    

From rest breaks to water breaks, God continued to speak. He is the Giver of sweet rest and refreshment along the journey, friends. The moments we were the most still were the moments we were able to breathe in deeply the crisp, clean, fresh air and truly take in the wonder around us. These moments of stillness are what sustained us on the journey and were necessary in order to continue on the journey ahead. The trip to the top was tough. Our time at the top was super sweet. However, the journey down was definitely tougher than I expected. The reality of not being able to complete our journey at the top was difficult for me. I desired to stay where the distractions were at a distance, far removed from any and every difficulty... including the 6 mile journey down Mt. Leconte. We were tired and our feet and muscles ached, but heading back to the bottom was part of the journey we decided to take. With less pep in my step, I held tightly to each cable provided continuing to learn new lessons with every careful step after the other. "The Lord will guide you continually, giving you water when you are dry and restoring your strength. You will be like a well-water garden, like an ever-flowing spring." Isaiah 58:11

We were miles away from everything and had everything we needed. We were free from all distractions, yet distracted by the vastness and beauty of what our eyes beheld. We were out of breath, but what we were experiencing constantly took our breath away. I heard HIS voice above all else. I saw HIM with every sight. And, friends HE is here and near as HE was there, but over and over again, I often choose distraction that leads to discouragement. So, I am choosing AIRPLANE MODE in order to be present and continue taking hard and sometimes unsteady steps along the path I have been given. Steps that lead to sweet rest, refreshment, beauty and wonder by choosing JOY in the journey. 

Our present steps in our adoption process include Haiti fees being processed which could mean a match any day as well as completed dossier paperwork for Colombia with the exception of immigration papers that are in the process of being approved. We have been told and are praying to have a travel date scheduled no later than October for Colombia. You have chosen to join us on this journey and because of that, we continue to be truly grateful and humbled by the love and support shown for our little family. Your continued prayers are most appreciated as we desire nothing more than for God to be glorified through this journey. Please continue be in prayer for the following:
- Our relationship and preparation for parenting 
- Our kiddo's spiritual, physical, and emotional health 
- For those in Haiti and Colombia caring for our kiddos
- Colombian dossier to be completed, approved and travel date given quickly
- Haiti referral to be received soon
- God's provision. We are taking a huge step of faith, knowing that our God is able. Please prayerfully consider helping support us financially. Of the $70,000 needed in order to complete both adoptions, we have raised and saved about $30,000. You can make a donation by going to or in order for your gift to be tax deductible.

And if you haven't heard... THE BEADS ARE BACK, FRIENDS!!! Last fall, we sold 900 bracelets to help support our adoption, and so many continue to ask about them. So with 2 KIDDOS on the way and one coming HOME SOON, fees are flying in fast! These beauties are just $10 each and handmade in Haiti! Not only will your purchase help this mommy and daddy bring their little loves home from Haiti and Colombia, but will also empower mommies and daddies in Haiti to care for their children with hope and dignity. We know our God is working in our waiting, and we continue to be humbled by our tribe that continues to love and support us in this journey. Let's get these babies HOME!!! 
(comment, message, text or email to order. $3 shipping)

Worship in Waiting:
"Wonder" Bethel Music
"Even If" Mercy Me

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